2023 Mega Raffle
Chris Gonyea (center) was the winner of the Mega Raffle drawing on Sept. 30. Presenting his winning $1,000 check are SCCF President Alyssa Swanson (left) and SCCF Vice President Julie Barr. Gonyea generously donated his winnings back to the community foundation.
“We’re pleased our first-ever Mega Raffle was so successful,” said Swanson. “Our goal was to promote awareness of our organization and to raise funds to provide future grant opportunities to local non-profits. We want to thank everyone who bought tickets, and especially Chris for donating his winnings back to us. I’d also personally like to thank all our board members who worked selling tickets and made this fundraiser a success.”
2023 Board

The Schoolcraft County Community Foundation elected its slate of officers for 2023. Trustees and officers are, back row, from left, Dean Wood, Bruce Behrens, Judi Behrens, Vice President Julie Barr, Lisa Demers; front row, from left, Barb Wood, President Alyssa Swanson, Secretary Carol Hollenbeck and Alyssa Mason. Not pictured are Treasurer Charles Richey and Trustee Jack MacFarlane.
Photos from Fall 2022 Grants

Manistique Lions Club recently received $937 to help support the club’s Sight and Hearing Program. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Lions Club Sight and Hearing Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Receiving the check are (back row, from left) Lions Club members Mark McCune, Kathe Nedeau, Rick Nedeau, Dick Ketcik, Paul Bosen, BJ Ash, Virgil Monroe and Kent Vaughn; (front row, from left) Deb LeBlanc, Sherry Koschmider, Beth Bosen and Mary McCune.

First Baptist Church in Manistique recently received $1,000 to help pay for remodeling and repairs to the church building. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Pastor Nathaniel Erickson receives the check in the church sanctuary.

Boy Scout Troop 400 recently received a $500 grant to help purchase tech equipment to watch training videos. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Kellogg Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Kellogg Fund awards are based on recommendations from SCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee, which reviews youth-related grant applications. From left, YAC member Nate Schoenow presents the check to Holly Way, Alan Barr, Linda Mason, Kaleb Baker, David Johnson and Brandon Ash. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Mason)

Emerald Elementary fourth-grade classroom recently received $398.26 to help purchase books for the room’s library. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Kellogg Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Kellogg Fund awards are based on recommendations from SCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee, which reviews youth-related grant applications. YAC member Blake Mason presents a check to Mrs. Elisha Dougherty and her fourth-grade students. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Mason)

The Delta-Schoolcraft Intermediate School District HOSA recently received $1,600 to help purchase skin test kits that teach how to recognize skin diseases in geriatric patients. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Kellogg Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Kellogg Fund awards are based on recommendations from SCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee, which reviews youth-related grant applications. At left, YAC member Ella Schuetter presents a check to HOSA teacher Jennifer Bosanic. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Mason)

Thompson Township Volunteer Fire Department recently received $1,000 to help purchase turnout gear for its firefighters. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Fire Chief Matt Silkworth stands with some of the new protective coat, pants and helmet the grant helped to buy.

Santa Claus visited Good Neighbor Services in Manistique to distribute gifts to children recently. Good Neighbors used a $200 grant from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund to help cover the cost of the event. It was one of 12 grants awarded by SCCF during its fall grant round.

Boy Scout Troop 401 and Girl Scouts recently received $500 each to help pay for scouting membership costs. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Kellogg Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Kellogg Fund awards are based on recommendations from SCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee, which reviews youth-related grant applications. From left, YAC member Nate Schoenow presents a check to Holly Way, Alan Barr, Linda Mason, Micah Way and Dayne Way. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Mason)

MSU Extension 4-H recently received $996 to help purchase two picnic tables for the Hoop House. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Kellogg Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Kellogg Fund awards are based on recommendations from SCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee, which reviews youth-related grant applications. At left, Jill Connin, 4H Program Coordinator & Community Nutrition Instructor, accepts the grant for the Hoop House project from YAC member Brianna Tiglas. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Mason)

St. Francis de Sales preschool recently received a $1,530 grant to help purchase a slide for the playground. The grant came from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation’s Kellogg Fund and was one of 12 grants awarded during SCCF’s fall grant round. Kellogg Fund awards are based on recommendations from SCCF’s Youth Advisory Committee, which reviews youth-related grant applications. YAC members Ava Hinkson and Macy Green present a check to St. Francis Principal Lisa Marie Burnis and the St. Francis preschool students. (Photo courtesy of Alyssa Mason)

There were 15 applicants for the $500 Hughes Scholarship. The scholarship gives preference to Gulliver residents, and one applicant who met all the criteria is also from the Gulliver area. The scholarship was awarded by Rick Wodzinski, SCCF Grant Committee chairman, and Alyssa Swanson, SCCF president, (right) to Alyssa Ecclesine (center) who plans to attend Bay de Noc Community College to study nursing radiology.

There was one application for the $500 Villemure Scholarship. It was awarded to Connor Noble of Manistique who plans to attend Bay de Noc Community College to study fabrication. He is pictured with Wodzinski and Swanson.

The Schoolcraft County Historical Society has begun a capital campaign to raise money to move the former Manistique Lumber Company warehouse building, next to the Siphon Bridge on River Street, to the society’s property on the corner of Deer Street and Weston Avenue. Darlene Furmanek from the historical society accepts a check for $1,500 from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation to help pay for blueprints and foundation construction for the warehouse. The warehouse dates back to the 1880s and is one of the oldest buildings in the city. The historical society plans to use the building to display historical artifacts and exhibits that are currently inaccessible to the public.

There were also 21 applicants for the $2,000 Prine Scholarship. That award is split, with $1,000 given in the first semester and the other $1,000 given in the second semester if the student shows a class schedule and maintains a 3.5 GPA. Duncan MacKinnon of Germfask, pictured with Wodzinski and Swanson, is this year’s recipient. He plans to attend Michigan State with a major in Chinese and/or international relations to become a foreign diplomat.

Alyssa Swanson, Schoolcraft County Community Foundation president, accepts a $500 check from Ricky, ‘office manager’ at Petique in Manistique. Ricky stood in for Petique owner Beth Atkinson who was unavailable. Petique matched up to $500 in donations to SCCF’s new Scouting Fund, established in December. The fund will help pay registration fees for local youth entering Boy or Girl Scouts.

“Don’t just pack it – wear your jacket!” is the lesson students in swim lessons and PE classes learn as part of their water safety instruction. Over 100 swimmers participated in the recent swim lessons sponsored by Manistique Area Schools and the American Red Cross. The life jackets were purchased for the pool earlier this year through a mini- grant from the Schoolcraft County Community Foundation to help educate students of the importance of wearing a life jacket in and around the water.